
Exemples de résultats - Calculateur 666 Telephone

NOTE: Les mots et expressions analysés ici sont soit en français, soit en anglais

Six cents soixante six
Telephone x6 = 666
Telephone x9 = 999
Telephone x12 = 1332
Codes alphanumériques au téléphone
Telephone x9 = 1332
(American Telephone and Telegraph Company)
Telephone x37 = 666
Compagnies téléphoniques
Telephone x6 = 666
A phone company
(Une compagnie de téléphone)
Telephone x37 = 2442
Appel téléphonique
Telephone x37 = 2997
A phone conference
(Une conférence téléphonique)
Telephone x37 = 2553
Lignes téléphoniques
Telephone x37 = 3441
Telephone line
Telephone x37 = 2331
Un telex
Telephone x37 = 1554
Telephone x18 = 666
God number
(Nombre de Dieu)
Telephone x37 = 1665
The beast
(La bête)
Telephone x18 = 666
Google Company
Telephone x37 = 2442
Telephone x37 = 1665
The switchboard
Telephone x37 = 2553
The Phone switchboards
Telephone x37 = 3774
Six hundred sixty-six
(Six cent soixante six en anglais)
Telephone x6 = 666
Telephone x9 = 999
Telephone x12 = 1332
Telephone x37 = 1665
Telephone x37 = 555
Telephone x74 = 1110
Des compagnies de téléphone
Telephone x6 = 666
Compagnie de cellulaire
Telephone x37 = 3330
Telephone x74 = 6660
A phone call
(Un appel téléphonique)
Telephone x37 = 1554
Une operatrice
Telephone x37 = 2442
Phone line
Telephone x37 = 1887
Le telex
Telephone x37 = 1332
Telephone x37 = 1443
Une bête
Telephone x37 = 1221
Telephone x37 = 1665
Telephone x37 = 999
Telephone x37 = 1998
Telephone x37 = 2220
Telephone switchboard
(Standard téléphonique)
Telephone x37 = 3663
The phone alphanumeric code
(Le code alphanumérique du téléphone)
Telephone x6 = 666
The phones
(Les téléphone en anglais)
Telephone x37 = 1776
A Telegraph
(Un télégraphe
Telephone x37 = 1665
Une compagnie de téléphone
Telephone x37 = 3996
Cellular company
(Compagnie de cellulaire)
Telephone x37 = 2775
La conférence téléphonique
Telephone x37 = 3885
An operator
(Une operatrice)
Telephone x37 = 1998
Une ligne téléphonique
Telephone x37 = 3552
The telex
Telephone x62 = 2 666
The Numbers
(Les nombres)
Telephone x37 = 1998
Telephone x74 = 1998
Hyper text protocol
Telephone x37 = 3885
Telephone x34 = 1 666
Telephone x68 = 333 2
A switchboard operator
(Une standardiste)
Telephone x37 = 3774
A telephone switchboard
Telephone x66 = 6666
Code alphanumérique du téléphone
Telephone x37 = 4995
(Cellulaire en anglais)
Telephone x18 = 666
Les cellulaires
Telephone x37 = 2442
Un télégraphe
Telephone x37 = 2220
Phone companies
(Compagnies de téléphone)
Telephone x37 = 2553
Des appels téléphoniques
Telephone x37 = 3996
Phone conferences
(Conférences téléphoniques)
Telephone x9 = 666
Des operatrices
Telephone x37 = 2553
The telephone line
Telephone x37 = 2886
Les telex
Telephone x62 = 2 666
A telex
Telephone x37 = 1110
Nombre de Dieu
Telephone x37 = 1998
Number of God
(Nombre de Dieu)
Telephone x37 = 1998
Telephone x74 = 1998
The hyper text protocol
Telephone x37 = 4440
The Microsoft Company
Telephone x37 = 3774
Telephone x37 = 1998
Les standards
Telephone x37 = 2220
The telephone switchboard
Telephone x37 = 4218
World Wide Web
Telephone x37 = 2331
A server
(Un serveur)
Telephone x18 = 666
The computers
(Les ordinateurs)
Telephone x37 = 2553
Dr Albert Einstein
Telephone x37 = 2886
Possedé du diable
Telephone x37 = 2442
L'esprit diabolique
Telephone x37 = 2886
Satan's advocate
(Avocat de Satan)
Telephone x37 = 2442
Telephone x37 = 888
The devil's mischief
(La malice du diable)
Telephone x37 = 2886
Craftiness of devil
(Ruse du diable)
Telephone x37 = 2997
The World Wide Web
Telephone x37 = 2886
Telephone x37 = 1554
Telephone x37 = 1332
Bewitched person
(Personne possedée)
Telephone x9 = 666
Diabolical spirit
Telephone x37 = 2664
Devil made
Telephone x18 = 666
Des avocats du diable
Telephone x37 = 2886
The devils
(Les diables)
Telephone x37 = 1665
Devil's mischief
(Malice du diable)
Telephone x37 = 2331
Une malice du démon
Telephone x9 = 666
Un serveur
Telephone x37 = 2109
Telephone x37 = 1998
Un électron
Telephone x37 = 1998
Telephone x37 = 1665
A bewitched man
(Être possedé)
Telephone x37 = 1998
Telephone x18 = 666
L'avocat du diable
Telephone x37 = 2331
Un diable
Telephone x37 = 1221
Telephone x37 = 999
Devil's cunning
(Ruse du diable)
Telephone x37 = 2442
Des ruses du diable
Telephone x37 = 2775
Des serveurs
Telephone x37 = 2331
Telephone x37 = 1998
Des ordinateurs
Telephone x9 = 666
An electron
(Un électron)
Telephone x37 = 1776
A diabolical spirit
(Un esprit diabolique)
Telephone x9 = 666
A devil's advocate
(Un avocat du diable)
Telephone x37 = 2442
Le diable
Telephone x37 = 999
The evils
(Les diables)
Telephone x37 = 1554
The devil's cunning
(La ruse du diable)
Telephone x37 = 2997
Une ruse du diable
Telephone x37 = 2664
Une caméra vidéo
Telephone x37 = 2331
Telephone x37 = 1776
Une carte d'appel
Telephone x37 = 2442
Wireless communication
(Communication sans fil)
Telephone x6 = 666
Telephone x37 = 1221
Telephone x37 = 1887
Telus Company
Telephone x37 = 2553
Compagnie de téléphone cellulaire
Telephone x37 = 4995
Verizon Company
Telephone x37 = 2664
Telephone x37 = 1443
Dial tone
Telephone x18 = 666
Telephone x37 = 1554
Connectel Phone Service
Telephone x66 = 6666
Primus Telephone
Telephone x37 = 3108
A video camera
(Une caméra vidéo)
Telephone x37 = 1776
A camera
Telephone x74 = 1776
(Carte d'appel)
Telephone x37 = 1554
Un sans fil
Telephone x12 = 1776
Le sans fil
Telephone x12 = 1554
Telephone x37 = 1665
Québec téléphone
Telephone x37 = 2331
The Cell Phone Companies(La compagnie de téléphone cellulaire)
Telephone x37 = 3663
T-Mobile Company
Telephone x37 = 2664
Dialling codes
(Indicatifs, Codes indicatifs)
Telephone x37 = 1998
Telephone x37 = 1332
Service de téléphone Connectel
Telephone x37 = 4662
Des caméras
Telephone x37 = 1554
The cellphones
(Les cellulaires)
Telephone x37 = 2331
Conference Calling
(Conférence téléphonique)
Telephone x37 = 2553
(Sans fil)
Telephone x37 = 1665
Mobile telephones
Telephone x37 = 2886
Telephone x37 = 888
Telephone x74 = 1776
Cell Phone Companies
Telephone x37 = 3108
A Cell Phone Company
Telephone x37 = 2997
Nextel Company
Telephone x37 = 2664
ALLTEL Company
Telephone x37 = 2442
A Dial code
Telephone x37 = 1110
Signal sonore
Telephone x37 = 2331 Company
Telephone x37 = 4218
Des caméras vidéo
Telephone x37 = 2442
Caméra céllulaire
Telephone x37 = 2442
Camera cellphone
(Caméra céllulaire)
Telephone x37 = 2331
The cellular phone
(Téléphone céllulaire)
Telephone x37 = 2886
Cellular phone
Telephone x37 = 2331
Telephone x37 = 1887
Telephone x37 = 1443
Les Réseaux
Telephone x37 = 1998
Cellular phone Company
Telephone x66 = 6666
The U.S. Cellular Company
Telephone x37 = 3885
The Cellular One Company
Telephone x37 = 3885
A Ringing
(Une sonnerie)
Telephone x18 = 666
Telephone x37 = 1554
La sonnerie
Telephone x34 = 1 666
Mur du son
Telephone x37 = 1887
Phone System
(Système téléphonique)
Telephone x37 = 2442
W - X - Y
Telephone x74 = 666
Telephone x37 = 2664
Le Fils de Dieu
Telephone x37 = 1887
The God's son
(Le Fils de Dieu)
Telephone x37 = 1998
Telephone x18 = 666
Telephone x37 = 1776
Le lac de feu
Telephone x18 = 666
Telephone x37 = 1776
To exorcize
Telephone x37 = 1776
Telephone x18 = 666
The Ringings
Telephone x37 = 2109
The sound
Telephone x37 = 1665
Video telescopes
Telephone x37 = 2775
W - W -W
Telephone x74 = Triple 666
Telephone x37 = 1332
Telephone x37 = 1776
Telephone x37 = 888
Telephone x74 = 1776
Telephone x37 = 1554
Telephone x37 = 1776
Telephone x37 = 1443
Telephone x37 = 1998
An exorcist
Telephone x37 = 1998
Le monstre
Telephone x37 = 1887
Le son
Telephone x37 = 999
Telephone x74 = 1998
Des sons
Telephone x37 = 1443
Telephone x18 = 666
Telephone x37 = 2553
The horns
Telephone x37 = 1665
Telephone x37 = 999
Telephone x74 = 1998
Telephone x18 = 666
Telephone x37 = 1887
Telephone x37 = 999
Telephone x74 = 1998
Telephone x37 = 1443
A monster
Telephone x37 = 1665
Des monstres
Telephone x37 = 2331
Telephone x18 = 666
Le système téléphonique
Telephone x37 = 3996
Dr Heinz Kissinger
(Henry Kissinger)
Telephone x9 = 666
Telephone x37 = 1998
Telephone x37 = 888
Telephone x74 = 1776
The heavens
(Les cieux)
Telephone x37 = 1776
Telephone x37 = 1332
Telephone x37 = 1110
The witch
(La sorcière)
Telephone x37 = 1554
Des fantômes
Telephone x37 = 1998
Le fantôme
Telephone x37 = 1554
The ghosts
(Les fantômes)
Telephone x37 = 1887
The Fallen Angels
(Les anges déchus)
Telephone x37 = 2442
Fallen Angels
Telephone x37 = 1887
Telephone x18 = 666
Un vandalisme
Telephone x37 = 2220
A vandalism
Telephone x37 = 1665
The religion
Telephone x37 = 1998
Telephone x37 = 1110
Telephone x74 = 2220
To make a pact with Devil
(Faire un pacte avec le diable)
Telephone x37 = 3663
Pacts with Devil
Telephone x9 = 666
A pact with Devil
Telephone x37 = 2553
To make a pact with Satan
Telephone x66 = 6666
Telephone x37 = 2109
Telephone x37 = 1665
Telephone x37 = 1554
Telephone x37 = 1332
Telephone x37 = 2331
Telephone x37 = 1887
Les imposteurs
Telephone x37 = 2886
Code à barre
Telephone x18 = 666
A bar code
Telephone x37 = 999
Telephone x74 = 1998
Des désastres
Telephone x37 = 2220
Telephone x37 = 1776
Un désastre
Telephone x37 = 1998
The disasters
Telephone x37 = 2331
Les pactes avec Satan
Telephone x37 = 3108
Pact with Satan
Telephone x37 = 2553
To make a pact with Devil
Telephone x37 = 3663
Une amputation
Telephone x9 = 666
An advertising message
Telephone x37 = 3552
Advert message
Telephone x37 = 2331
Un joug diabolique
Telephone x9 = 666
On Satan yoke
(Sur le joug de Satan)
Telephone x37 = 2220
Under Satan yoke
(Sous le joug de Satan)
Telephone x37 = 2775
Joug de Satan
Telephone x37 = 1998
Telephone x37 = 666
Telephone x74 = 1332
Telephone x37 = 888
Telephone x74 = 1776
1776 = Naissaince des États-Unis
Des publicités
Telephone x37 = 2331
Telephone x37 = 2331
Pamphet publicitaire
Telephone x37 = 3441
The advertising tracts
Telephone x37 = 3885
The advertisings
Telephone x37 = 2886
An advertising message
Telephone x37 = 3552
Le pamphet publicitaire
Telephone x66 = 6666
Diabolic yoke
(Joug diabolique)
Telephone x37 = 1887
Joug satanique
Telephone x37 = 2331
Satanic yoke
Telephone x37 = 1998
Joug diabolique
Telephone x37 = 2220
Sous le joug de Satan
Telephone x74 = 6660
The crime
Telephone x18 = 666
Le crime
Telephone x37 = 1110
Telephone x74 = 2220
A crime
Telephone x74 = 1776
Un crime
Telephone x37 = 1332
Des crimes
Telephone x37 = 1554
(Objet Volant Non Identifié)
Telephone x37 = 888
An unidentified flying object
Telephone x74 = 8880
(Unidentified Flying Object)
Telephone x37 = 888
Un Objet Volant Non Identifié
Telephone x37 = 4773
La Pomme d'Adam
Telephone x37 = 1887
Adam Apple
(Pomme d'Adam)
Telephone x18 = 666
Telephone x18 = 666
The Myth
Telephone x37 = 1554
Telephone x37 = 999
Telephone x74 = 1998
Connaissances occultes
Telephone x66 = 6666
The occult knowledge
(La connaissance occulte)
Telephone x74 = 6660
Occult knowledge
Telephone x37 = 2775
Secret knowledge
Telephone x9 = 666
Telephone x37 = 777
Telephone x74 = 1554
Des dogmes
Telephone x37 = 1554
Un dogme
Telephone x37 = 1332
The cyclone
Telephone x37 = 1776
Des malédictions
Telephone x37 = 2553
Le treize
Telephone x37 = 1221
A thirteen
(Un treize)
Telephone x37 = 1665
Telephone x37 = 1998
The ultrasound
Telephone x37 = 2775
Telephone x37 = 1221
Hard ware
Telephone x18 = 666
Four crématoire
Telephone x37 = 2664
Les fours crématoires
Telephone x66 = 6666
Telephone x37 = 1887
Telephone x37 = 2775
Le pouvoir de dieu
Telephone x37 = 2886
God power
(Pouvoir de dieu)
Telephone x37 = 1665
Les impuissants
Telephone x37 = 2997
Telephone x37 = 1776
The impotent men
Telephone x37 = 2886
The curse
(La malédiction)
Telephone x37 = 1554
Corps maléfique
Telephone x37 = 2331
Telephone x37 = 1665
Un surnom
Telephone x37 = 1998
Des ultrasons
Telephone x37 = 2553
Telephone x37 = 2220
The digits
(Les chiffres)
Telephone x37 = 1665
Le four de la mort
Telephone x37 = 2664
The ovens
(Les fours)
Telephone x37 = 1665
Telephone x37 = 1110
The Divine Power
Telephone x37 = 2775
Omnipotence de Dieu
Telephone x37 = 2997
Telephone x37 = 1776
An overdose
Telephone x37 = 1887
Telephone x37 = 1554
Telephone x37 = 1776
Telephone x37 = 2331
Telephone x74 = 1998
Sout evil body
(Corps maléfique)
Telephone x37 = 2553
A nickname
(Un sobriquet)
Telephone x37 = 1332
Mauvais sorts
Telephone x37 = 2664
Telephone x37 = 1554
Telephone x37 = 1665
The money
Telephone x37 = 1665
Telephone x37 = 1221
A death oven
(Un four de la mort)
Telephone x37 = 1665
Un four de la mort
Telephone x37 = 2886
Telephone x47 = 3 666
Deadly oven
Telephone x37 = 1776
Notre dernière minute
Telephone x66 = 6666
La dernière minute
Telephone x37 = 2886
Our last minute
(Notre dernière minute)
Telephone x37 = 2886
Dernièr soupir
Telephone x37 = 2664
The final sigh
(Le dernièr soupir)
Telephone x37 = 1998
Une malédiction
Telephone x37 = 2442
Telephone x18 = 666
A friday
(Un vendredi)
Telephone x37 = 1110
The bad fates
(Les mauvais sorts)
Telephone x37 = 1665
Un génocide
Telephone x37 = 1665
Génocide d'Auschwitz
Telephone x37 = 2886
Camp de la mort
Telephone x37 = 2109
Death camp
(Camp de la mort)
Telephone x18 = 666
Jewish Genocide
Telephone x37 = 2331
Des téléphones interurbains
Telephone x37 = 4773
Un bottin téléphonique
Telephone x37 = 3885
Telephone x37 = 1665
Telephone x62 = 2 666
Les annuaires
Telephone x74 = 4440
Les annuaires téléphoniques
Telephone x9 = 111 6
The directories
Telephone x37 = 2553
A genocide
Telephone x37 = 1221
Auschwitz genocide
Telephone x37 = 2775
The Concentration Camp
Telephone x17 = 1 666
Telephone x68 = 666 4
Des chambres à gaz
Telephone x37 = 1998
Génocide juif
Telephone x37 = 1887
Long-distance telephone
Telephone x66 = 6 666
A telephone book
(Un bottin téléphonique)
Telephone x37 = 2442
Pages jaunes
Telephone x37 = 1998
Les pages jaunes
Telephone x37 = 2553
L'annuaire téléphonique
Telephone x66 = 66 00
A telephone directory
Telephone x37 = 3552
A directory
Telephone x37 = 1887
Le génocide
Telephone x37 = 1443
Telephone x37 = 2664
Concentration Camps
Telephone x37 = 3330
Telephone x74 = 6660
Gas rooms
Telephone x37 = 1665
L'extermination juive
Telephone x37 = 3885
The long-distance telephones
Telephone x37 = 4551
Telephone x18 = 111 6
Telephone x43 = 2 666
Phone book
Telephone x37 = 1665
Yellow pages
Telephone x37 = 2220
Répertoires téléphoniques
Telephone x37 = 4662
Les répertoires téléphoniques
Telephone x37 = 5217
Telephone x26 = 3 666
Des génocides
Telephone x37 = 1887
The Jewish Extermination
Telephone x14 = 1 666
Telephone x56 = 666 4
Une chambre à gaz
Telephone x37 = 1887
Les camps de concentration
Telephone x6 = 666
Téléphone interurbain
Telephone x37 = 3774
Long-distance telephones
(Téléphones interurbains)
Telephone x37 = 3996
Le bottin téléphonique
Telephone x37 = 3663
Bottins téléphoniques
Telephone x37 = 3885
The Yellow pages
Telephone x37 = 2775
Un répertoire téléphonique
Telephone x37 = 4662
Telephone directories
Telephone x37 = 3663
Telephone x37 = 1998
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