A nice Website: ¤Friday the 13th¤ ¤666 Calculator¤ (Telephone) STAY UPDATE ! Today's Highlights Top News by:
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Now, all my 4 private 666 calculators are available on this website
Basic 666 CalculatorYou wish knowledge on the secret codes of names, of any words or expressions, use FREE [firm biblical regulation] the numerologic decoder below, to discover their alphanumeric values.
Thus, you will identify easily the marks of the Beast (666; see below some examples), poisons and the antidotes (999, 888, 777).
NOTE: The enclosed calculator is just a basic version. Please see other powerfull 666 Calculator-Telephone at this link. Telephone numerology is based on the alphanumeric coding integrated to the keyboard of your telephone. Actually, the 666 Calculator-Telephone have 75 encoding methods. Examples of this calculator results: ATT = 666 !!! in Telephone x37 numerology (AT&T = American Telephone and Telegraph Company); Six hundred sixty-six = 666 !!! in Telephone x6; astonishing !!! Six cents soixante six (Six hundred sixty-six, in French) = 666 in Telephone x6; The phone alphanumeric code = 666 in Telephone x6; Secret knowledge = 666 in Telephone x9, and so on. Shadow of the Number: Beast or Man...The famous apocalyptic text relating to the number of the Beast [Apocalyse (13/18)] is already on well-known of all. Nevertheless, very little attention was carried to certain important passages of the book of Isaiah:«For you the revelation of all this has become like the words of a sealed scroll. When it is handed to one who can read, with the request, "Read this," he replies, "I cannot; it is sealed." When it is handed to one who cannot read, with the request, "Read this," he replies, "I cannot read."» Isaiah (chap. 29, verses 11 and 12)All things considered, the Bible is basically a coded message. However, the alphanumeric processing of the Divine Word leads somewhat to the Light and throws a lighting on the "Shade of the Number" of the Beast, properly a number of Man according to Holy Writings. Thus, and such as it comes to light from our encoder, as well in French as in English, the mystic verse of Apocalyse (13/18) comprises the same secret alphanumeric value, whatever the encoding mode and this in spite of the structural differences between the two languages:
NOTE: 1998÷3 = 666
3996÷6 = 666 5994÷9 = 666
[Detailed numerical calculations in the sections on direct encoding methods according to logical alphanumeric mode and basis 3 mode; in Spanish, the alphanumeric code of this apocaliptic verse "... Pues es numero de persona. Y su numero es seiscientos sesenta y seis" (Apocalipsis 13/18) is 6660 (6660÷10=666), in the numerology times 9] Marks of the Beast
NOTE: Some of the expressions above are in French The few examples of secret numeric codes above rather clearly reveal the bivalence of myth 666 and the Duality Good - Bad. Like a medal and his reverse, God and the Devil would have a peaceful coexistence. Thus, the Fallen Angel, Lucifer, have the same secret code (666) that the Son of God, Jesus. However, because of the omnipotence and the omnipresence of God, the Devil always seems under control; what should be enough to reassure all and each one. Indeed, such as it come to light from our encoder and from the various methods of numerical coding, the expressions very often have a numerologic value at the same time equal to the Beast (666) and the Anti-Beast (999)... If at the end of an attentive reading of the objective conclusions emitted in this site, you are still not convinced of the futility of a morbid interpretation of myth 666, and are not reassured with the omnipotence, the omnipresence of God and his protection, perhaps you would need the external assistance of an exorcist or a psychiatrist. It is important here to stress that numerology, science of the symbolic system of the numbers, is practised since the night of times. It is essential to the comprehension of the secret codes contained in the messages of the crowned texts, the temples, the monuments and the religious symbols; as well in the former Egyptians, Babylonians, Chinese, Indians as in the Jewish Cabal, the Bible and Coran. As recalled by Claude Peignot[1]: «Le symbole est la représentation matérielle d'une réalité qui dépasse la connaissance immédiate... Parmis les symboles les nombres méritent une attention particulière... Ainsi donc pour les hommes de l'Antiquité et du Moyen-Âge les nombres sont des êtres philosophiques et des forces agissantes, des expressions de la pensée divine.»According to a thinker of ancient Greece: «The number always remains and is found in all; one in the voice [according to the Bible, God creates by the word...], the other in its proportions; one in the soul and the reason and the other in the divine things.»For the Greek mathematician Pythagore (author of the famous Theorem of the hypotenuse square of a triangle): «It is the number which regulates the universe... all is arranged by the number»It will be only at the first century that Nicomaque de Gerase will specify why: «The First Chaos, had lack of order and form, was organized and ordered by the number.»Unfortunately, the Truth of the numbers, the secrets of the Bible and its numeric codes remained during too a long time the prerogative of the only initiates, of the occult sects or of the Churches [formerly, even the reading of the Bible was prohibited by the clergy]. This usual absurd secret constitutes not only serious insult against the human intelligence [according to the Bible, any being human is created at the image of God, therefore with a built-in potential of comprehension of the things] but also a sad seizure of universal knowledge. However, according to Albert Einstein[2]: «It is of first importance that general public has the possibility of becoming aware - clearly and intelligently - with efforts and results of scientific research... To reduce and limit the body of knowledge to a small group destroy the philosophical spirit of people, and led to the most serious spiritual poverty.» Albert EINSTEIN Elsewhere, the scientist Einstein delivers this other fundamental teaching: «The most beautiful feeling which one can test, it is that of the Mystery. It is the source of any true art, of any true science. One which never knew this emotion, which does not have the gift of amazement nor of delightness, as much would be worth that he died. Its eyes are closed.» Knowledge is Rebirth[In French, Knowledge = Connaissance, litteraly Rebirth]Knowledge is a divine gift and the fruits of its "tree" ["Tree of knowledge" according to the Bible] are integral part of the common inheritance. The popular Re-birth requires a universal Co-birth. To restrict knowledge with an elite constitutes a rape of the popular heritage. By the Word, God created the world in six (6) days ... and it found it perfect [such as it comes to light in the encoder, the secret numerical value of "perfection" is 666]. The Bible devotes the force of the words whereas numerology delivers their secrets, through their alphanumeric values. The Bible also devotes the power of the numbers for which it holds several chapters. However, the numerical language would have precedence on the alphabetical language, because, contrary to the language of the words, the language of the numbers is universal, logical and scientific. In addition, the numbers translate easily the subtle beauty that alphabetical signs could return only improperly. Do not wait any more. Claim the whole knowledge bequeathed by God and to which you have also right. Leave quickly the "window" or red box, remove the diabolic yoke and God will give again you all of which one deprives to you maliciously. Go shopping for your antidote or antigen against the Beast; the ultimate solution is probably in the vaccine, i.e. your own mark 666. Then only, you also: * you will be a star or a leading light, instead of the Pope, of Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Galileo, Copernic, Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci, Metallica, Genesis, Celine Dion, and so on;Moreover, our multi-systems encoder will enable you to make possible numerical codings useful to your own investigations. WELCOME AND GOOD NAVIGATION NOTES [1] Claude Peignot "Le nombre, Langage de Dieu" [The Number, Language of God], G. Lachurie, éditeur, 1987, pp. 17, 18 et 20. Back up to the text [2] Lincoln Barnett "EINSTEIN et l'Univers" [The Universe and Dr EINSTEIN], Paris: Gallimard, 1951, pp. 9-10 (preface written by Einstein on September 10, 1948). Back up to the text
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